
Apr 02, 2023

Signs your loved one needs help at home

There will come a time in most of our lives when we find that a family member or loved one may require care. 

A common occurrence, many people need additional help as they lose their mobility, enter old age, or see a decline in their health. 

Home care is an incredible service that can allow people to retain their independence, with personalised plans created around their needs. 

However, many people do not want to admit or acknowledge that they may need assistance, so you might need to spot the signs. 

If you believe a loved one might be struggling at home, these are some of the key things to look out for: 

Hygiene and appearance

A deterioration in personal grooming and hygiene can be signs that a person may need care, and is either forgetting or struggling to keep on top of things. 

Signs like untidy hair, dirty hands and nails, unwashed clothes, or body odor, can all indicate something isn't quite right at home. 

Messy or unclean home 

Much like a change in hygiene and appearance, a change in a person's home can also show they might be unable to manage alone. 

For example, a cluttered and messy house or garden which wasn't before shows the person is no longer able to manage all of their household tasks easily. 

Difficulty with daily tasks 

Most of us do things throughout the day without even thinking about it, so it's easy to spot when someone is struggling to do the same. 

If a loved one for example is no longer able to easily make a cup of tea, or move back and forth to the bathroom, it's a clear sign they need someone else in the house. 

Confusion or forgetfulness 

We all forget things sometimes and can get our wires crossed. However, if the person is repeatedly becoming confused or failing to retain information, it's time to speak to them about getting some help. 

Of course, forgetfulness is common with old age and doesn't always mean they are a concern, but a simple confusion for example if they have left the hob on, or taken their medication, could have a more serious consequence. 

They seem lonely or depressed 

Sometimes, a loved one may not need care at home to help with their physical ailments, but instead to help with their mental health. 

Loneliness and social isolation can have a huge impact on an individual, and often they will benefit hugely from some companionship. If your loved one is appearing quieter than usual, more subdued or upset, it may be time to discuss what options could see their mental health change for the better. 

More frequent slips and falls 

As we get older and frailer, it is common to become more unsteady, and likely to slip, trip or fall. 

However, if someone is living alone, this risk could be much more serious. Allowing at home care would be able to not only monitor a person incase they do have an accident, but also prevent them from happening in the first place. 

What to do if you notice these signs 

If you notice any of these signs in your loved one, the best, first and most important thing to do is to speak to them about it. 

The thought of extra help can be daunting for many people with some more stubborn and proud than others, so it's important to approach the subject gently. 

In fact, you can explain how at home care would transform the person's life, allowing them to remain there and avoid a residential home or other options. In addition, they can stick to their own daily routine, and have help monitoring their health as well as general lifestyle care. 

At Acoup, our domiciliary care covers a huge variety of needs, with our bespoke and tailored plans created solely around the individual. 

Whether it be companionship that only involves emotional support and mobility assistance, or dementia care for someone needing constant supervision, we are here to support you and also those close to you with anything. 

You can find more information on our services by visiting our website: 


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